They may have significant losses of $82 million shortfall over the last three years if Flipper's figures are right, with big investment losses on top from the stock market down turn from 2008. Abuse cases threatening more expenditure compounded with a big downturn in donation enthusiasm among the ranks. Then we have humiliation in front of the Royal Commission, it all adds up to unprecedented pressure on the credibility of the JWorg.
WTBTS must be at a low ebb... and from Tight Pants Tony's last appearance on the JW TV extravaganza, I think they must feel like they are sitting on a volcano. He made the broadcast looking like he was hiding in the studio whilst the mafia were pacing up and down outside for not receiving the monthly payments. His body language betrayed his lack of belief in the script he was reading! This approach will send subliminal messages to the rank and file that all is not well in HQ. Bethel members will do the same in the congos to which they are assigned and however they spin it, the sensitive ones will recognise a loss of confidence and withdraw support. Within the investment circles they will also lose respect, sic transit gloria mundi.